
Wake Windows by Age: A Month-by-Month Guide for New Parents

Looking for an easy way to help your baby sleep? If yes, no more worries! You must pay attention to how long they are awake and when they will go to sleep. Following the wake windows allow you to figure out your baby’s nap schedule. So, what are wake windows, and how long does it take for the baby to fall asleep? Here are the details on wake windows by age for your babies. 

What is Wake Windows? 

Wake windows are the time in which your baby is awake. This ensures your baby sleeps early and prevents them from becoming overly tired. Most parents follow the wake windows to put their baby to bed at the correct time. Baby’s awake time may also vary as they get older each month. 

When Does Wake Windows Start? 

The early days of a baby’s life are crucial for wake windows. Each wake window begins once your baby wakes up. Understanding the awake time of your baby between naps is important. 

Newborns often stay awake for about 45 minutes to an hour. However, these may gradually extend when they grow up. 

Wake Windows By Age 

The amount of time babies stay awake can differ based on their age. You cannot find a similar or same pattern in their sleep times and patterns. Here is the recommended wake window followed by a baby based on their age. 

Baby’s Age  Wake Window Range  Sleep Patterns 
0-3 months  45 to 90 minutes
  • Day sleep can range from 10 minutes to several hours. 
  • Sleep periods will be short and frequent. 
  • They stay awake for 30 minutes to 2 hours before going to sleep again. 
4-6 months  1.5 to 2.5 hours 
  • Regular and early sleep.
  • 2 to 2.5 hours sleep for most five-month-olds. 
  • The infant has been fed and cuddled. 
7 to 9 months 2 to 3.5 hours 
  • Lengthen the sleep period. 
  • Matured sleep process. 
  • Babies need some assistance during the night. 
  • Changing sleep patterns can lead to overtiredness. 
10 to 12 months  2.5 to 4 hours 
1 year old 3 to 4.5 hours 
  • Increase the chance of night walking. 
  • Sleep can be disrupted due to various reasons. 

How Do You Find the Right Wake Window for a Baby?

Having the right wake windows for your baby is crucial to preventing overtiredness and getting enough sleep. Sleepy cues, including signs such as rubbing eyes and yawning, are the best ways to find the right wake window. These can be trickier to note when they get older. So, make use of an age-specific wake window for your baby. As the day goes on, the wake-up window will also increase. 

Signs Your Baby Needs Sleep

You can discover your baby’s sleep cues before choosing the correct wake window. Keep an eye out for the signs given below: 

  • Rubbing eyes
  • Fussiness
  • Drooping eyelids
  • Yawning
  • Clinginess
  • Staring blankly
  • Arching back 
  • Losing interest in playing

Hope you have an idea about how to choose the right wake windows by age for your baby. Organize a constant routine for your baby, monitor their sleep patterns, and create a comfortable sleep environment.


Elmira is a full-time health writer at where she educates and advises on how to lead a healthy life from eating to getting into fitness. She completed her master’s degree at Columbia University. Her blogs are evidence-based, not opinionated. Her articles are based on a diabetes diet, weight loss, fitness, skincare, and mental health. She believes in healthy eating and also encourages her readers to lead healthier, more balanced lives. She devotes time to implement a healthy lifestyle every day.

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