What is a Tangelos (Tangerine + Pomelo = Tangelo)

Tangelo is a citrus fruit belonging to the family of citrus tangelo. It is a hybrid fruit with a combination of tangerine and pomelo. Minneola, Orlando, and Seminole are other varieties of the citrus family. Minneola is the most common variety of Tangelo, often referred to as “Honeyballs.” 


They grow in a bauble ball shape with a slight bulge on the top. Unlike oranges, tangelos come in a baseball size and have a reddish-orange color with a thin, pebbled skin. It is often found seedless, but it may contain around 20 seeds based on the variety. The flesh is divided into 10 to 12 sections, with mild sweetness. Some Tangelos can reach the size of a grapefruit

Nutrition Content in Tangelo 

  • Tangelo is packed with minerals and vitamins 
  • Since they are part of the citrus family, tangelos are rich in vitamin C
  • It can suffice your vitamin requirements for a day
  • It provides you with 10% of vitamin A and 2 % of calcium 
  • Tangelo contains many nutrients including vitamins, flavonoids, and antioxidants which can aid cell development and reduce inflammation 
  • It is rich in potassium which can regulate fluids, protein synthesis, and cardio function 

A 100-gram minneola tangerine contains 

Calories  47 kCal
Proteins  1.05g
Carbohydrates  11.6g
Fibre  2.1g
Sugars  9.47g
Calcium  42g
Potassium 179 mg
Vitamin C 52.6 mg


Varieties of Tantalizing Tangelos

Tangelos come in a delightful array, each offering a unique twist on the classic tangy-sweet flavor. Here’s a peek at some popular varieties to tantalize your taste buds:

  1. Orlando: With a bright orange rind and juicy, loose segments, this early fruit has gained popularity. It is an all-round tangelo for its balanced sweetness and sharpness.
  2. Minneola: The Minneola has a tangerine-like rind that is very uneven in texture due to this thorough testing process. The fruit has a sweet flavor, which is more pronounced than the typical tangelo. It has a thin layer of skin that allows easy removal for peeling or sectioning purposes.
  3. Seminole: The Seminole is called a late-season tangelo because of its deep red blush and succulent flesh. Its flavour is mild enough for people who dislike sour citrus fruits but it has a rich taste that is quite sweet at the same time.
  4. Dancy: The tangelo is valued because it contains no seeds and its skin is easy to remove. Inside the bright orange-colored peel are pulp sacs that surround juicy pearls that taste sweet and sour.
  5. Wekiwa: This tangelo is a crossbreed between the two varieties of Citrus sinensis—Orlando and Dancy. It has the seedlessness of a Dancy but tastes slightly more acidic, which is an enjoyable shocker for those who love tangelos.”

These are just a few of the many tantalizing tangelo varieties available.

Benefits of Tangelo

1. Helps Weight Loss

Helps Weight Loss

Eating less calorie food and consuming nutrient-rich foods will help you lose weight effectively. If you eat more fruits, your weight reduction becomes faster. tangelo is a good option for weight loss as it is low in calories. The fiber content in the Tangelo could be more filling, and keep your hunger at bay for a long time. So that extra consumption will be lessened. Moreover, eating fiber-rich food will regulate bowel movements. 

2. Cardio-Friendly 


The vitamin C in Tangelo can lower blood pressure. In some cases, it has shown positive results. Plus, the abundance of vitamin lowers the risk of hypertension, coronary artery disease, and stroke. It contains flavonoids which could improve your overall health. The phytonutrients in citrus fruit can reduce the risk of stroke, heart disease, and neurological diseases. 

3. Aids Digestion 

Aids Digestion

Adding fiber to your plate will benefit you in many ways. It will ease out troubles like constipation, cramps, and bloating. Moreover, the fiber improves bacteria equilibrium in the gut and boosts peristaltic activity. 

4. Fight Oxidative Stress

The rich antioxidant source in Tangelo helps fight the free radical damage caused by oxidative stress. Notably, it reduces the risk of chronic diseases like cancer. 

5. Boost Immunity 

Vitamin C is important for maintaining healthy bones, skin, and blood vessels. Similar to oranges, Tangelos also contain high amounts of vitamin C. A 100 gm of tangelo provides 52.6 mg of vitamin C. Consuming Tangelo can improve the immune system and white blood cells. Also, it helps lower the risk of impaired immunity and infections. 

6. May Lower the Ibs Symptom

Tangelos have a low profile of FODMAPs (fermentable oligo-, di-, monosaccharides, and polyols–types of carbohydrates.) It may lower the risk of Inflammatory Bowel disease (IBS).

Tips for Selecting the Perfect Tangelo

Finding the perfect tangelo is all about using your senses of sight and touch. Here are some key pointers to guide you:

  1. Sight:
    Color: Search for a bright orange rind, possibly with some red sign depending on the kind. Do not consider any tangelos that have some greenness that is major because it means they still need more time before they become ripe. Skin Texture: It should feel like glass to touch when held between fingers; this means it’s got fine grains (smooth). Do not buy any fruits that have spots on them or look like they were stored under hot sunrays before you brought them home.
  2. Touch:
    Firmness: One way to tell if tangelos are ripe is by touch–they should feel somewhat hard even though their surfaces yield slightly under pressure; this way one knows there’s still some juice left inside them though they’re not too mushy already. A good weight loss program may work well with tangelos because the more weight you’ll lose the juicier they become as well as stronger tasting.”
  3. Aroma:
    While not as pronounced as some other citrus fruits, a ripe tangelo should have a faintly sweet citrusy fragrance. Avoid tangelos with no smell or odor.

How Does It Taste?

It is a juicy fruit with the sweetness of tangerine and a floral touch of grapefruit, the Tangelo gives a sweet-tart taste. The acidity level varies based on the type of fruit. 

Ways to Consume 

Ways to Consume

Add Tangelos to your regular fruit salad. You can even make a dessert with frozen Tangelo pulp, or blend them to have refreshing juice. Hope you find this information useful. Don’t forget to check these 11 unbelievable benefits of cherry.